Reddit has reintroduced its previous award system, acknowledging their misstep in changing it.


Reddit is reintroducing a revised version of its awards system, which it had phased out last year after admitting that the golden upvote system had "missed the mark." In an announcement post on Wednesday, Reddit acknowledged the community's feedback, stating, "We tried something new, it wasn't great (you called it), so we're (re)launching awards, not-so-new but definitely improved." The rollout of the updated awards system began on and Reddit's iOS and Android apps.

While most of the previous award system's mechanisms will remain unchanged, Reddit has made a few tweaks. These include placing an award button under eligible posts, updating the UI to reduce clutter, and introducing an awards leaderboard that showcases the top gold and awards earned for a comment or post. Additionally, new safety features have been implemented to prevent awards from being displayed on sensitive or NSFW subreddits, and users now have the ability to report misuse of awards. Furthermore, Reddit has introduced new awards and updated some of the old award designs.